



Def: repeats something from the beginning of a sentence at the end.
Def: the repetition, after a more or less lengthy passage of subordinate or parenthetic text, of a word or clause that was used before.

Example: my ears heard what you said but I counldn't believe my ears.

Example: my eyes saw a girl running in the stree but next moment she disappear, I domt believe my eyes.
Example: my computer is broken, I can't turn on my computer anymore, I am so sad so I hate my computer.


 --repeats one word for emphasis
 --that means “fastening together”. It is defined as a rhetorical device in which the                     words is repeated in a quick succession after each other for  emphasis.

           The amusement park was fun, fun, fun.

Example #2

    Alone, alone, all, all alone,
     on a wide, wide room

    Example #3

     The Physics homework was so hard,hard, hard!

    --an exaggeration 
    --is a figure of speech, make something bigger than it really it.
    I'm so tired I could sleep for a year!
    My backpack weighs a ton!
    I'm so hunger I could eat a house!

 using an adjective or adjective phrase to describe- memorizing eyes.

People usually need to spend their money for excess profits tax. The man in the picture watering the tree with the sign ' EXCESS PROFITS TAX'. This man want to growth the tree, just like tax he have to pay.

A father looking for his pregnant wife and say:"So how's our future little national debtor today?" Little national debtor is the epithet for their baby, because they have to spend lot of money to rise their children up, just like a debtor.

Student are making fun and give other students name because thats what they looks like.


Chimamanda Ngozi Adicle The danger of single story

  Chimamanda Ngozi Adicle The danger of single story
  The women speech about the experience in her life, when she was a child there is a boy came to her house, the foods they need she know is not easy to get the thing. Her School life is in America, her college roommate's confusion that African could speak English there is some inequality between the white and black, she learned really hard in these school year.
  We know, we must seek diverse perspectives and in turn, writer must  tell audience their own stories. To tell experiences, hopes and fears.  To show your feeling, your expression in your speech, the story will effect people a lot.